June - Art Style

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A green dot running around on a bunch of black blocks against a gray background is all well and good, but some good artwork can go a long way in making a game feel more fun to play. This past week, I mainly just worked on the game's artwork. The player's character is just a little rat in a blue robe. I like rats and I like the idea of a rat being a playable character in a game.

I think it looks nice! The animations are fluid enough for pixel graphics, the platforms look detailed and interesting, and the background helps the player character stand out. I'm not an expert artist, but I'm very satisfied with the results thus far. The above screenshot is just me messing around a bit. Here's what it looks like to finish a level seriously:

I can't think of much else to say about it. I think the art just speaks for itself. I'm glad I took some time to work on it. I think it'll make this game stand out compared to some of the other demos I've made that have less-than-flashy artwork.

Next Week

This is the last week of June already! This whole month just flew by for me. During the final week, I'd like to continue adding content and gear up towards a demo release. I definitely want to add some sound effects and music. Both of those add a significant amount of detail to the overall experience of the game. If I have more time than that, I'll add some more levels and just prepare a browser-playable demo. See you next week with the demo!

- Jay

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